Cloud Computing

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Cloud Computing

Heighten your company’s power of connectivity with cloud computing

Whether or not you know what it is, you have certainly heard something about “the cloud.” The reason cloud computing has become such a hot topic in the 21st Century is because of its vast array of uses and all of the profound ways in which its emergence onto the scene has changed the way that we do business, share information, and connect with others.

Simply put, cloud computing is a way of making data sharing easier. In the old days, you’d store your information on your hard drive or a floppy disc. With the dawn of the Internet, it became possible to upload files onto a server. Cloud computing is revolutionary in that it is non-local: information is distributed across a variety of devices – including laptops, phones, tablets, and servers – for immediate access and streamlined data exchange.

Cloud computing technology is ideal for corporations and small businesses looking to maximize connectivity and encourage collaboration. Not only is it an efficient technology, but cloud computing is also cost effective, saving its users thousands of dollars that would otherwise go to overpriced server banks and old school hardware. Cloud computing enables businesses to get new applications up and running more quickly, and allows for more flexibility when it comes to upgrades, maintenance, and IT intervention.

Above all else, cloud computing is flexible. Companies that take advantage of the cloud have the ability to easily build up or scale down their cloud computing operations to meet the needs of their business. Cloud computing allows for a high degree of interactivity such that each and every member of the company gains the power to make his or her voice heard on the corporate network.

Cloud computing is a growth industry, with some vendors reporting annual growth rates of over 50%. The advantages in processing power and cost effectiveness mean that cloud computing is likely to continue to grow, and improvements in cloud technology suggest that it will only become more efficient, more dynamic, and more practical.

As with any new technology, there are pitfalls for those who wade into the world of cloud computing blindfolded. For that reason, Trusteum offers its information technology services to make sure that you and your company get the absolute most out of your cloud computing experience. Our staff is comprised of specialists who excel at determining the most suitable cloud computing service model for each of our clients, and we’ll take the time to outline our plan in plain English so that your company is best prepared to reap the benefits of this promising technological innovation.