Open Source

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Open Source

The open source revolution can give your company newfound flexibility


As technology has progressed, there has been a cultural shift from centralization to open source collaboration. Open source software allows its users to become part of the programming process, with constructive contributions being woven into the fabric of the software along the way. In a corporate environment, open source software allows your IT team and staff members to take part in building and reworking the programs that make your company tick.

In the past, great ideas were arrived at by individual men and women of genius, from Michelangelo to Isaac Newton, from Marie Curie to Albert Einstein. In the 21st Century, new technologies, inventions, and innovations are developed through collaboration. Designing an app or composing a computer program is very seldom done in isolation. Given the fast pace of technology, open source software is often the only sort of software that can keep up with the changing dynamics of the digital revolution.

By coaching your team in open source software design, and by building a strategic plan for open source adoption, Trusteum expands your company’s horizons as it rides the wave of open source innovation. Modern businesses are increasingly specialized, and most cutting-edge companies utilize in-house software in order to meet the needs of employees and clients. Because those needs change by the moment, open source software is a potent new tool for customizing the programs that your company uses on a daily basis.

Not only is open source software more versatile than the closed source alternative, but it also happens to be more secure. Because in-house open source software is designed and improved upon by your staff (or the helpful experts at Trusteum), and because its code is known only to your employees, outside agents with nefarious plans won’t be able to interfere with the way your company does business.

Open source software is more affordable. Whereas purchasing a big-name software package might seem convenient at the outset, these programs are expensive, and only grow more costly as they go along, with recurring subscription fees, service charges, and IT bills should anything go awry. These franchise products also tend to be inflexible, and there’s no guarantee that they’ll fit the needs of your company or adjust to meet its demands in the future.

Although open source technology is a promising development, it also requires expert guidance to make sure that its full possibilities are realized. At Trusteum, our staff has worked with open source software since its inception, and have the ability to tweak and modify your software so that it satisfies your expectations. Furthermore, if your open source software happens to fare especially well in a localized environment, there exists the possibility of marketing that software for use by other firms. In this way, in-house innovation can lead to a lucrative side hustle for a digital-savvy business.

Though it does take some time to fully adopt open source technology, Trusteum stays with you every step of the way so that your business reaps the full benefits of its heightened efficiency, flexibility, and security.